Helpful Information:
Reading/Writing Center (RWC)
What is the RWC?
Part of the English Department, the RWC serves Florida State University students at all levels and from all majors. Think of the RWC as an idea laboratory: it is a place to develop and communicate your ideas!
Who uses the RWC?
In short: everyone! The RWC’s clients include a cross-section of the campus: first-year students writing for composition class, upper-level students writing term papers, seniors composing letters of applications for jobs and graduate schools, graduate students working on theses and dissertations, multilingual students mastering English, and a variety of others.
Where is the RWC located?
As of Fall Semester 2015, the RWC currently has four locations: the newly remodeled Williams 222 location, the gleaming Johnston Ground location, the happening Strozier Library location, and the up-and-coming Dirac Library location. For students who are distance learners, online tutoring is available. Contact Dr. McElroy at for information.
What are the hours?
Hours vary by location. Check the online schedule for availability.
Who works there?
The tutors in the RWC are graduate students in English with training and experience in teaching writing, and undergraduate students who have completed a 3-credit English elective course in tutoring writing and who have been apprentice tutors in the RWC.
What happens in a RWC session?
Many things! You can come with a prompt and talk about your ideas with someone who will be an active listener and ask questions to help you figure out what you think. You can come with a few ideas jotted down, and you can talk through your organization with a tutor. Once you have written parts of a draft or a whole draft, you can see if you communicated your ideas clearly by having a tutor be your “practice audience.” They will listen as a reader, and explain to you what they are thinking as a reader. If they hear what you intended to communicate, hooray! If not, you have an opportunity to revise before you give your work to your actual audience. The tutors will even help you learn editing and proofreading strategies so you can independently communicate your ideas clearly.
How do I make an appointment?
The best way is by using our online scheduling website. Instructions for making an appointment can be found here. While we will accept walk-ins if a tutor is available, it is usually best to book ahead.
How much tutoring help can I have?
All FSU students can have 1.5 hours of tutoring a week FOR FREE! This includes all locations, i.e., NOT 1.5 hours in Williams, 1.5 hours in Strozier, etc. Students who opt to register for ENC 1905, REA 1905, or ENG 5998 may have more time depending on the number of credits they choose to take. Appointments are limited to 60 minutes/day.
The Digital Studio
What is the Digital Studio?
The Digital Studio provides support to students working individually or in groups on a variety of digital projects, such as designing a website, developing an electronic portfolio for a class, creating a blog, selecting images for a visual essay, adding voiceover to a presentation, or writing a script for a podcast. The DS has both Macs and PCs, and some of the cool software available in the DS includes Photoshop, InDesign, Windows Movie Maker, iMovie, and more!
Who uses the DS?
Any FSU students who want to complete digital class assignments (e.g., for FYC or WEPO) or to improve overall capabilities in digital communication. Students also use the DS to make Prezis, business cards, flyers for their own student organizations, and more!
Where is the DS?
There are two DS locations: Williams 222 and Johnston Ground 062.
What happens in a DS session?
Like the RWC, think of the DS as an idea lab, only it is a place to explore ideas in digital texts and to learn new technologies to communicate ideas in those mediums.
How do I make an appointment?
The best way is by using our online scheduling website. The DS accepts walk-ins, but the DS gets booked by large groups and is very busy at the end of the semester, so it is best to plan ahead.
How much tutoring can I have?
You can use the DS as much as you’d like!
MLA Guidance and Grammar Instruction
Free Tutoring from FSU
On-campus tutoring and writing assistance is available for many courses at Florida State University. For more information, visit the Academic Center for Excellence (ACE) Tutoring Services’ comprehensive list of on-campus tutoring options. High-quality tutoring is available by appointment and on a walk-in basis. These services are offered by tutors trained to encourage the highest level of individual academic success while upholding personal academic integrity.