Assignment 4: ePortfolio
Collection. Selection. Reflection.
While you will complete smaller assignments throughout the semester, 80% of your grade will be determined by a digital portfolio: a compilation of the work you’ve done throughout the semester, reflections on that work, and nuanced understandings of writing.
Your final eportfolio should include:
1. Final draft of Project One
2. Final draft of Project Two
3. Final drafts of Project Three
4. Final Reflection
5. Three Additional Writing Selections (these can be journals, pre-writing, in-class assignments, etc)
6. Outside Addition (something you've written for another class, or personal project)
7. Bio
In addition to the projects you have been working on throughout the semester, you will include your final reflection paper, which includes your theory of writing. Think of your reflection as the unifying piece of your portfolio. Make connections between your composition and the artifacts you curate in your final portfolio.
Assessment of your portfolio will be based on the following:
* Organization & Navigation
* Information is well structured and intuitively organized
* Navigation between pages is intuitive
* Location of individual texts within ePortfolio makes sense
* Organization of ePortfolio is accessible across devices and browsers
* Visual Design:
* Visual design and color scheme are consistent across pages of ePortfolio
* ePortfolio is visually appealing and inviting to the viewer
* Images, video, and audio connect to the writing and have a clear purpose
* Content:
* All required content is present:
* 3 Major Projects
* Reflection
* Finalized Map of Key Terms
* Writing is original and rhetorically effective
* Individual pieces have a clear purpose
* Style and voice are expressed and emphasized through design choices
* Theory of writing is prominent
* Links are functional
* Text is concise, insightful, and intriguing
* Textual Features:
* Text is accessible to all potential readers
* Font is legible and does not distract readers
* Author:
* Clear explanation of who author is is provided
* ePortfolio reflects both the author and his/her works through coherent “theme”
* Rhetoric:
* Digital Portfolio appeals to its intended audience
* Digital Portfolio provides sufficient contextual information for all potential readers to understand its individual components
ePortfolio Examples