Required Texts
For this course, you are required to purchase (or beg, borrow, but certainly not steal):
The Bedford Book of Genres: A Guide and Reader, FSU edition, 2015, by Amy Braziller and Elizabeth Kleinfeld; Bedford/St. Martin, 2014.
The Brief McGraw-Hill Handbook, FSU edition, by Elaine Maimon, Janice Peritz, and Kathleen Blake Yancey; McGraw Hill 2012.
Pro Tip: Buying used=big savings! Click on either photo for links to Amazon used FSU editions.
Additional Readings
We'll be supplementing our required texts with a range of other readings in a variety of media: the scholarly articles we'll be discussing can be accessed as PDFs or URLs below. When reading these texts for class, please print and annotate them, and bring them to class.
ENC 2135 SUMMER 2016 CLASS SITE: Ashley Rea, Florida State University